Lots of Firsts
With a new baby at home, it seems like there are tons of 'firsts' that happen each day. First day at home, first time in the car, first bath, first doctor's appointment... The list could go on.
Coming home from the hospital was obviously her fi
rst time in her car seat and first time in the car. When our journey home began, she was asleep, so she was perfectly content. We had to make a stop at CVS to get some things the doctor suggested for my recovery. Mom went into CVS, and Kherington and I waited in the car. By the time Mom got back to the car, she was quickly becoming fed up with her car seat and ready to be napping in a more cozy place. Kheri's first day at home was full of firsts. One of my favorites was her first bath. I remember seeing my neices getting their sponge baths when they were newborns and it was torture. They hated it! I was expecting the same from her. Luckily, the opposite was true. She looked a little confused about what was going on, but seemed to enjoy it. Thankfully my mom was there to bathe her, so I was able to video and take pictures.
If every week goes by as fast as the week after she was born, she will be starting school far too soon! On Sept. 29, it was off to the doctor for her 1 week check-up. Brad took off of work so he could come along and help. I have a hard enoug
h time getting myself up and out the door in the morning. Being responsible for another person as well was quite a job. What do I need to pack in her diaper bag? What if I forget something important? What if there are sick kids in the waiting room? What if she's hungry when it's time to leave? I had tons of questions that I'd never had to think about before. Some of my worries were resolved when we got in the car on time (with a happy, sleeping baby none the less). Not long after we walked in the door, the receptionist told us to go ahead and go to the room so we didn't have to wait in the waiting room with the kiddos that were not feeling well. Two worries down, several to go... When the nurse came into the room, I was told to get Kherington into a diaper only. So much for anyone seeing that CUTE outfit. ;) The nurse weighed her, which made her fuming mad, and she was almost back to her birth weight. Next, the doctor came to take a look at Kheri and said she looked perfect! I asked about giving her more formula at each feeding because she had been acting like she wanted more. Dr. McRae told me to follow her lead and that she would let me know when she was full. I'm not sure if that's true. I think this little one would drink as much as one would offer! She's a little pig! Just like that, our first visit with Dr. McRae was over, with no major disasters!
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